Let’s chat about sleep…
I bet you have heard at least once before you had little one that “better get as much sleep as you can before baby comes” or “you are going to be tired when baby is here”. Doesn’t set you up for much hope does it? Yes I think we can all agree that babies and children can lead us with lack of sleep and even more sleep deprivation for a short or even long period of time and that doesn’t always end with the newborn stage!
Our children are beautifully unique and different, but that comes with different sleep styles too. Which isn’t always beneficial to the whole family.
When it comes to sleep we at Next Steps Together believe you as a parent should have confidence and tools to be able to support your little one with sleep and have the choice to be able to put them to sleep without using the “cry-it-out” method if you choose to do so.
We also believe small sustainable changes throughout the day can help support and promote better quality of sleep not just for baby but for the whole family. These methods are not just for under ones but can be used for older children too with the same effects and support.
We have a range of packages to help support the whole family with their quality of sleep. If you are ready to explore how to help support your family with sleep click down below.
Not ready for 1:1 Support? Here are other ways to support you with sleep
What a great place to start! Go check out some interesting topics and support for free! Get yourself a tea or coffee, put your feet up and read.
PDF Downloads
I have created and evidential based support in easy to read downloads to help guide you through, birth, sleep and play.
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